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Her Messy Bun Podcast

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    I started listening to the podcast because I left a comment on one of Danielle’s TikTok’s and she asked if I listened to the podcast. I had not and started listening the next morning and have listened to every episode since. I LOVE listening!



    Okay that title is dramatic but if you are a small biz owner, entrepreneur, content creator or creative of any kind you NEED to listen to Her Messy Bun Podcast!


  • Can't Stop Won't Stop Listening!

    It’s like she’s speaking right to me! Every time a new episode comes out, it’s like it was meant for me!


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“Danielle has helped me realize what I ACTUALLY want to be putting my time and energy into and that has helped my business grow exponentially.

— Molly, Reiki Master Teacher

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Business Growth, Personal Development Her Messy Bun Business Growth, Personal Development Her Messy Bun

5 Steps to Setting Goals

Achieving success as a creative entrepreneur requires effective goal setting. This 5-step process can be used: define your long-term vision, break down your goals into manageable tasks, prioritize them based on importance and alignment with your business strategy, create an action plan with specific tasks and deadlines, and regularly track your progress. Adjustments should be made as necessary, and successes should be celebrated to maintain motivation.

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Sustainable Productivity Her Messy Bun Sustainable Productivity Her Messy Bun

Time Management Reimagined

In this blog post, we explore the world of unconventional time management for creative entrepreneurs working from home. Traditional productivity methods often clash with our creative instincts, stifling our flow and hindering productivity. Discover alternative approaches that embrace fluidity, prioritize deep work, and the power of rest. We delve into productivity rituals that spark creativity, the importance of embracing downtime, and how technology and automation can optimize our workflow. Unleash your creative potential while effortlessly managing your time, resulting in a fulfilling and successful work-from-home experience. Join us on this journey of redefining productivity and embracing alternative approaches tailored to the needs of creative entrepreneurs.

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Burnout Prevention Her Messy Bun Burnout Prevention Her Messy Bun

How to Release Goals that No Longer Serve You

This blog post explores the art of letting go and provides actionable tips to release goals that no longer align with one's values. Danielle emphasizes the importance of reflecting on personal values and priorities to identify goals that may no longer serve a higher purpose. The blog post discusses recognizing signs of outgrown goals and the significance of practicing detachment and acceptance. It also encourages setting new, intentional goals that promote work-life balance and celebrating progress while prioritizing self-care.

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Brand Strategy Her Messy Bun Brand Strategy Her Messy Bun

Working Intuitively to Transform Your Life

In this blog, Danielle talks about how working intuitively can transform your life. Danielle shares a story about a friend who struggled to find a schedule that suited her after starting self-employment. She felt guilty for not feeling creative or productive during the traditional 9-5 workday and kept pushing herself to work through it. After sharing that Danielle works around her energy, it sparked a conversation that helped her friend understand it's okay to create a schedule that is guilt free and decide to work when she has the energy.

Danielle explains that working intuitively means listening to your body, mind, and emotions. Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. When we work intuitively, we can make better decisions, find creative solutions, and navigate challenging situations based on our values and who we are.

Danielle outlines some of the benefits of working intuitively, including greater creativity, innovation, and better decision-making. She shares studies that show how frequent and abrupt context shifting can lead to decreased productivity, increased stress, and cognitive fatigue. Danielle explains that listening to your intuition uses the right side of your brain, which is also the creative artistic side of the brain.

Overall, this episode encourages listeners to work intuitively and work around their energy to avoid burnout and be more productive.

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Creative Mindset Her Messy Bun Creative Mindset Her Messy Bun

The Key to Overcoming Self-Sabotage

In this episode of "Her Messy Bun - The Creative Podcast," host Danielle delves into the topic of self-sabotage and offers practical tips to help creatives overcome this common challenge. Self-sabotage refers to the unconscious undermining of one's own efforts, often through behaviors like procrastination, perfectionism, and self-doubt. Danielle emphasizes the importance of acknowledging self-sabotaging behaviors and understanding that they can be changed through the brain's neural plasticity. She presents a five-step approach to overcome self-sabotage, which involves identifying current habits, envisioning the desired self, replacing old habits with new ones, actively monitoring emotions associated with habits, and finding the easiest "yes" to reinforce new habits.

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Creative Mindset Her Messy Bun Creative Mindset Her Messy Bun

Procrastination is the Dream Killer

Procrastination often results from feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, or uncertainty about how to approach a task. People may also procrastinate because they have adhd, and in this case it’s usually procrastination paralysis which can look like straight up laziness to the outside world, but it’s so much more than that. Whatever the reason, procrastination can lead to a vicious cycle where people feel guilty and stressed about not making progress, which can further discourage you from taking action. Keep listening because whether you have ADHD or not, I have a solution that can help you overcome your procrastination while you are in the thick of it.

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Creative Mindset Her Messy Bun Creative Mindset Her Messy Bun

The Power of Doing Less

Doing less is not a sign of laziness or lack of ambition. In fact, it can be a powerful tool for improving our physical and mental health, increasing our creativity and productivity, enhancing our relationships, and promoting overall well-being. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list, take a step back, prioritize what's truly important, and give yourself permission to do less. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you for it.

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Sustainable Productivity Her Messy Bun Sustainable Productivity Her Messy Bun

Stop Doing These 3 Habits

Toxic productivity is the idea that people must be productive all the time, no matter what. It is the belief that one's worth is solely based on their productivity levels, and that they must always be doing something. This mentality leads to overworking, burnout, and even physical and mental health problems. My clients STRUGGLE with taking rest days, they’re filled with guilt when they take time off, get sick, or take time off to go experience something new. If you struggle with this kind of mentality, this is for you. You are not alone, there are so many other creatives and entrepreneurs that go through the same thing.

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