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Top 3 Productivity Tips

Time Management Strategies

Managing your time and being productive can be extremely difficult, especially when you’re working from home or still in the early stages of starting your business. These 3 simple time management strategies will increase your productivity and make you more efficient throughout the day. Listen to Episode 01 of Her Messy Bun Podcast to hear my 3 quick productivity tips or keep reading.

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3 Quick Productivity Tips for Getting Sh*t Done

Get more done while working from home with these 3 productivity tips. Whether you’re a self employed mom, a content creator or a creative entrepreneur, your productivity can be increased by following these easy steps.

I’ve come up with 3 tips that will help you get yourself in gear and on the right path. Too often we fall into this trap of being overwhelmed when working from home. You end up feeling like you have to do more and try to get everything done at once.

Turning these productivity tips into new daily habits, it will help you mainstream your goals and allow you to be a little more successful every day.

1. SIMPLIFY what you’re working on! AKA work less.

Stop trying to do a million things at once. Why? Because it’s not going to work. Putting your focus on 100 different tasks does not make you efficient. Instead simplify what you are doing.

I like to do this by using block scheduling to get my tasks done.

Block scheduling is where you create smaller to-do lists each day and tackle a to do at a different “block” of time. What I have found works best for me is when I actually schedule these tasks per day.

How to start time blocking:

  • Breakdown the major parts of your business

  • Put them in order of what’s most important

  • Then scheduled each part to a specific day

For example: Emails marketing is one aspect of my business. I'm most interested in creating emails on Fridays, because I have a weeks worth of content to pull from. Working around my energy allows me to be more productive with my time without burning out.

2. Focus on one thing at a time to complete one goal at a time.

To focus on one thing at time you have to get rid of discractions. That means, turn off netflix, turn off youtube, put your phone in airplane mode and write down the one goal you want to achieve.

I like to use post-its to help remind me what I’m supposed to be working on. I will take 3 post-its, and write down 1 detailed goal that I want to accomplish on each. For example, if I need to fulfill orders, I will write down “Prep, package, and label orders to bring to the post office”.

This helps me stay focused on that one task. I'll even put a post-it on my phone. Then when I reach for my phone I’m reminded to stay focused on what I was working on.

Once I finish one post-it not task I crumple it up, throw it away and move on to the next!

Watch this short video for a quick example:

3. Plan your tomorrow today

Block scheduling, and post-it note focusing is great for getting larger tasks done, but what about the everyday tasks? The ones you always have to do and the ones that pop up. Regardless of if you know what you have to do everyday - sitting down the day before to cap off your work day is the best way to one remind your brain, “ok this is the end of my work day” and let your body switch into family mode or personal mode. And two it will avoid your morning delay of trying to figure out what needs to be worked on.

I love this practice, it really ties the other two tips together because this stops me from getting distracted in the morning. By giving myself a list of non-negotiable tasks, I am also simplifying today by prepping last night.

See what I did there??

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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun

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