How To Find Clarity and Direction

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Do you need help finding clarity and direction in your business?

In a world where everyone looks like they have their shit together, it can feel like you’re the imposter - listen to Season 2 Episode 19 of Her Messy Bun Podcast to learn how to tap into your genius and find clarity on your business goals or keep reading.

How To Get Clear On Your Business Goals

Finding clarity in your business isn't a one time deal.

As your business evolves so do you and what your focus points are. Getting clear on what you want out of your business and life, as well as understanding what makes you different, is crucial to discover your special sauce and connect to your zone of genius. If you're passionate about finding fulfillment in self-employment, this episode is for you. We share example from our personal journey (both past and present) and give you the questions you need to ask yourself if you also want to find clarity.

Everyone became self-employed to be able to do what they want, right? So if you don't get clear on what you want, you'll find yourself following the masses and inevitably becoming stuck and frustrated. Doing what you think you should be doing is a quick way to find yourself working with people you don't want to be working with in ways you don't like... which then leads to having a day to day that you don't enjoy... which looks like:

  • imposter syndrome and lack of confidence are results of not being in your zone of genius

  • burnout from keep up

  • an unenjoyable unfulfilled life

Tap into your special sauce

Don't run away or deny your special sauce just because you don't see anyone else doing it. It can be scary to do something that "goes against the grain" of your niche, or that stands out, because it's easy to feel like you have to do what everyone else is doing to fit in, but remember that your special sauce is YOURS for a reason.

Don't know what your special sauce is, or what makes you different? Stop copying others and focus on yourself, because copying people will not create sustainability - you're at the mercy of others.

Beyonce says in her commencement speech for the class of 2020:

"Losing can be the best motivator to get you even the bigger wins, so never compare yourself to anyone else"

Stop Comparing and Start Being You:

Here are a few things that you can do when you start noticing a comparative mindset happening, or when you're looking outside of yourself for clarity:

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

  • Going for a walk

  • Unplug for a day

  • Recharge

  • The minute you have a thought about comparison, get off the app

What you focus on you create, so if you're scatter brained and unclear, you're going to create a blurred vision of what you want. There's this concept in Atomic Habits that talks about Motion vs Action. Motion is procrastination to your end result you're always trying to perfect something, staying in motion too long is when outside influence can change your special sauce and make you feel like you need to change what you're doing to be like others. People who are in action get end results, experience and have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.

What do you want your day to day to look like?

  • If you're not a morning person, stop offering client sessions at 8am.

  • If you hate the process of creating a specific product, stop selling it.

  • How can you make adjustments to enjoy your days more?

What type of clients do you want to work with?

  • If you want to work with businesses who are service-based, stop offering consultations to product-based shops.

  • How can you tweak your messaging to attract those people in?

Will this help me create a sustainable business?

  • If self-employment is your end goal, you need ways to make your self-employment sustainable so your business can grow/stay successful.

  • What adjustments can you make in your business that will make it more true to the life you're trying to create?

Don't talk about what you're gonna do. Don't just dream about what you're gonna do. Don't criticize somebody else for what they're not doing. You be it. Be about it. Be about that action, and go do it. Keep your eye on your intention. Don't let any outside distraction or your own insecurity stop you from your goals. Embrace that struggle. Surviving that struggle will strengthen you.

- Beyonce

More Resources

Take Messy Action

Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.

Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.

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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun


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