Her Messy Bun - Brand Strategy and Design

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What are Sales Leads

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

The 3 sales leads every early stage entrepreneur should know about:

Find out what the differences between cold leads, warms leads, and information qualified leads. This is the money maker difference you need to know about when you’re trying to figure out who’s interested in working with you.

Knowing these 3 types of sales leads will help you figure out how to move forward after creating lead generating content.

See this content in the original post

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation can feel confusing and overwhelming but once you’ve perfected it, the difference it will make for your business is EVERYTHING!

How many times do you hear from experts online say things like “it’s so easy to make money online” “all you do is post and then sell in your DM’s” “I made 10,000 dollars from this one post” and how many times do you ask yourself (or even comment asking them) HOW?!?!?!!

That’s where Lead Generation comes into play.

I want to you EXACTLY what Lead Generation Content is so you know how to spend your energy nurturing your leads correctly.

Lead Generation Content is the process of attracting your ideal clients or potential customers to your business WHILE increasing their interest of what your business offers. The concept is done through a nurturing process with an end goal of converting your prospects into paying customers.

The major thing you have to understand is that free=leads, but what KIND of lead are you creating?

The 3 different types of leads early stage entrepreneurs needs to be aware of:

  • Cold leads

  • Warm leads

  • Information qualified leads

What are cold leads:

Cold leads are people that don’t even know they realize they’re leads because they BARELY know about you or your brand. As the marketing work would say - they live on the top of your sales funnel.

A cold lead is someone that probably saw one or maybe two pieces of your social content, but didn’t go further than liking and commenting. The content they saw was most like a “Relatable” piece of of content which peaked their interest enough to comment.

Think about cold calling - you know those calls about your car insurance?! That is cold calling at it’s finest. The only thing that beats that are the “hey girlie” messages we get on social media from people in the MLM world.

Cold Leads aren’t bad - but they aren’t ready to be spoken to yet. They need A LOT of nurturing and learning what you offer and why they can trust you.

What are warm leads:

Warm Leads are the people that KEEP interacting with your posts, they probably on your email list, or in your stories cheering you on and voting in your polls.

Warm leads are people that if you were to message them privately you would already be able to start a conversation that is more natural and fluid.

And the conversation doesn’t even have to be about your products, because they already feel like they know you.

and finally…

What are information qualified leads:

The information qualified lead is a VERYYYY specific kind of warm lead. So if a warm lead is someone who’s already cheering you on in the comments section or voting in your polls - the conversation you’d have with an information qualified lead is about something you KNOW they WANT to have. That could be because your call to actions asked for them to “let you know” in the comments, they voted on a lead generating story that gave you the green light to message them about that specific topic.

Pretty much - you’re going into the conversation knowing that they fit your ideal avatar based off their responses to your content.

Knowing these 3 types of sales leads will help you figure out how to move forward after creating lead generating content.

The biggest take aways:

  • We don’t cold call

  • If people are trying to start a conversation with you enjoy the conversation

  • If someone is straight up telling you that they fit the bill, lean into it

  • Most of all free=leads. Don’t expect to get leads if you’re not providing valuable free content for them.

To learn more about how to provide value to your content listen to:

See this content in the original post

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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.

Until next time!

xo Danielle

Let’s Be Friends:

Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun

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