The Reality Of Being Self-Employed
3 secrets no one tells you before becoming self-employed
Why aren’t more entrepreneurs talking about this? Listen to Season 2 Episode 08 of Her Messy Bun Podcast to hear our top 3 secrets no one tells you before becoming self-employed or keep reading.
Show Notes:
What No One Tells You About Self-Employment
Are you sick of the same advice when it comes to hearing all the "tips and tricks" of the trade? Did you recently become self-employed and start realizing that there's a lot of things no one tells you before hand. Between Marisa starting her business this year and Danielle in her 4th year of running a business we each share our top 3 things no one tells you before becoming self-employed. You don't want to miss this!
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And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.
Until next time!
xo Danielle
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Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun