work less - get more done [part 1]
*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
Do you ever feel like you need to stay busy?
“How do you get so much done every month when you barely work?”
This is a question that I get asked all the time. But what most people really want to know is what EXACTLY do you do everyday to get things done?
How to Schedule Your Days to Work Less
I remember when I first started working for myself, I would go to YouTube and look up “daily routines for working from home” and “what to do on a day-to-day basis when running your own business” because I was so fucking confused how people were working themselves into the ground and acting like they were totally fine as I was struggling with burnout trying to keep up.
But every time I would look up what to do, the videos I would find were beautifully curated routines that included things like What I Eat in a Day, morning facial routines, how to wake up at 5am and a bunch of systems and routines that didn’t actually include what the work part looked like. And that’s the part I wanted.
This always left me with this empty feeling like I wasn’t getting my questions answered, and that if I just eat like they do I’ll grow my following and my online business will be booming!
So I’m going to break it all down for you. Let’s talk about EXACTLY what I do as a podcaster, a Creative Consultant, and a content creator.
This will be a multiple part series of what I do on a day to day, what gets done on a weekly basis, what my monthly objectives are, the quarterly focus and yearly goals.
Today we’re going deep into what the day-to-day looks like here at Her Messy Bun. Everyday is filled with output tasks and input tasks.
The output is what is scheduled to go out, the things past me should have done on a different day.
The input is what is getting done, what I’m putting into the business as well as what I’m putting into myself to recharge.
Below is an example of how my days were scheduled in the past, that allowed me to work 3-4 hours a day 4 to 5 days a weeks. The importance of it is to see the differences between the days, the batch work/themed days, as well as the output vs the input.
Monday’s Schedule:
Monday’s tend to lean towards CEO day’s so for me that looks like emails, research, and catching up on chaos tasks.
Morning Pages prompt is already created, scheduled and ready to be posted for the members
Monday’s Email blast. When my Monday email goes out, they’re already created and scheduled in FloDesk, and they’re usually my monthly motivation email.
Repurposed TikTok’s to Instagram with This is an automation that I’ve already got set up, to so anytime I post on TikTok, it will automatically post it as a Reel that same day. This a daily reoccurrence.
Morning pages with Consciously Creative
Go Live on TikTok (optional)
Schedule this weeks YT shorts
Secure all emails are scheduled properly for the week
Lead generating story to get in front of my warm leads
Answer the Public, again this is a daily occurrence. Every day I search 2 keywords and phrases into Answer the Public to see what my audience is searching and looking up in order to create content that my audience is looking for and to strengthen my SEO.
TikTok Keyword search - this is when I go into the search engine of TikTok type in a key word, let’s say productivity, and see what people are searching on TikTok. This also gives me more key phrases to look up on Answer the Public.
FloDesk Check + Re-Send. This is when I check the analytics of last weeks emails, see what was working and what needs to be adjusted, and I resend Friday’s email.
Reminder Post about this week’s Group Coaching for Consciously Creative members
Tuesday’s Schedule:
Tuesday’s are one of my Client day’s - this looks like 1:1’s, group coaching and making sure my client experience is always improving.
Podcast drops at 3:33 am
YT video drops at 3:33am
Email Announcing Podcast goes out at 6:14am
Morning Pages prompt is already created, scheduled and ready to be posted for the members
Morning pages with Consciously Creative
Lead Generating story and post
Group Coaching Call
Answer the Public
Consciously Creative Coffee Sessions. This is a co-working session that I host for my members to help hold them accountable for their weekly and monthly goals and homework if they’re an active client
Client Calls
Wednesday’s Schedule:
Wednesdays I focus on Content Creation days which consists of emails, pinterests, tiktoks, instagrams and photo re-stock days.
Blog drops at 7am
Morning Pages prompt is already created, scheduled and ready to be posted for the members
Morning pages with Consciously Creative
Lead Generating story and post
Consciously Creative Coffee Sessions.
Answer the Public
Create and schedule IG’s and Pins using my Canva Templates
Take photos for IG stories, blog posts and pins
Record multiple trending sound audios on TikTok to add context later.
Record tips from this weeks Podcast and Email blast to keep on trend with this week’s topic
FloDesk Create + Resend - this is when I create new emails and resend the emails from earlier in the week.
Thursday’s Schedule:
Thursday’s are another client day so they look very similar to Tuesdays and that’s because I’m usually in the same energetic moods on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Morning Pages prompt is already created, scheduled and ready to be posted for the members
Morning pages with Consciously Creative
Lead Generating story and post
Consciously Creative Coffee Sessions
Answer the Public
Client Calls
Friday’s Schedule:
Friday’s are usually my Podcast Day’s except for when my Burnout To Breakthrough Program is running and then I also open this day up as client days as well. That’s because my program accepts 10 clients and I know energetically I will burnout if i don’t offer an extra day to schedule the program’s 1:1’s.
Morning Pages prompt is already created, scheduled and ready to be posted for the members
Fast Tip Friday email - this is when I send an email that’s created from a TikTok that I made in the past that I feel would benefit you to be reminded of.
Morning pages with Consciously Creative
Lead Generating story and post
Answer the Public
Create podcasts from my Morning Pages journaling and prompt ideas
Record Podcast
Upload and schedule podcast on Anchor and YouTube
Create email blast for podcast
Client 1:1’s
Follow up with any leads, or left over tasks to get done before the weekend
The Results of my daily schedules:
Having my days schedule based off of themes, non-negotiables and bare minimum tasks allows my business to see continuous growth, stay consistent and preserves my energy on low days.
Knowing what has to get done everyday like this makes it so I don’t have to worry about wasting energy planning my day out, and it allows me to know work on autopilot.
These are my daily routines, and while yes there are things I do everyday, you can see it’s not one set routine. Instead it’s a system of different routines.
Next we will talk about what my schedule looks like on a weekly and monthly basis, because even though I broke down my day to day, understanding the view point of what get’s done on a weekly basis is just as important.
More Resources
Automatically repost your content on other platforms.. same day or days later, your choice! Try It Free!
Reclaim your days with my Work Intuitively Masterclass
Never stare at a blank page again Join Consciously Creative
Take Messy Action
Whether you’re determined to do it yourself or prioritize yourself, my blog, templates and services are designed to eliminate the guess work.
Feel confident in your brand so you can focus on what really matters.
Did This Help?
Pin one these image on Pinterest so you always have it!
And As Always – Don’t Give Up, Take A Day Off Instead.
Until next time!
xo Danielle
Let’s Be Friends:
Danielle’s TikTok: @her.messy.bun